Poročno fotografiranje v gorah / Elopement in the mountains
Elopement fotografiranje – poročno fotografiranje v gorah
To je bila zame največja inspiracija do sedaj. Kot oboževalka gora, planinska vodnica, organizatorka porok v Bohinju in vodja fotografskih tur po Julijskih Alpah, je to zame najbolj znano in najbolj domače okolje. Okolje, kjer se sprostim, zadiham in vidim tisoč in eno kompozicijo. Lansko leto sta me našli dve sorodni duši, Deimante in Mindaugas, mlad par iz Litve, ki sta želela uvekovečiti svojo ljubezen prav v naših Alpah.
Fotografiranje sta želela tudi v družbi njunih štirinožnih prijateljev. Prva ideja je bila Triglav, vendar sem jima, predvsem kot planinska vodnica, to odsvetovala. Predlagala sem jima nekaj drugih idej in ni bilo potrebno veliko, da sta se zaljubila v dolino Sedmerih jezer in grebena nad dolino. Odločitev je bila sprejeta.
Zavedali smo se, da nas čaka celodnevni pohod, s kar nekaj dolžine in višinskih metrov, zato smo si razdelili opremo po nahrbtnikih – onadva sta nosila svoje poročne obleke, hrano in pijačo, jaz vso fotografsko opremo, poročne “muffine” in cvetje, psa pa sta bila primorana nesti svojo hrano in pijačo – v pasjem nahrbtniku.
Ob 8. uri smo se dobili v Bohinju in zapeljali do planine Blato, kjer se je začela naša celodnevna avantura. Skupno 10 ur hoje, 5 ur fotografiranja, 3 različne lokacije. Kar pomeni 3x zamenjati obleko – iz pohodniške v poročno. 🙂
Obožujem poročna fotografiranja, ampak pri tem fotografiranju, sta mi pa res zapela srce in duša.
Vsi pogumni pari, ki vas zanimajo fotografiranja v gorah, na najbolj fotogeničnih lokacijah, v organizaciji in varnem vodstvu planinskega vodnika, pišite za več informacij! 😉
Sorodne povezave
– Poročna fotografiranja na Krvavcu
– Slovenia Photo Tours – Fotografske ture po Julijskih Alpah
– Bohinjske poroke – organizacija porok v Bohinju
Elopement photoshoot in the mountains
Being a wedding photographer in the Alps can be very inspiring. For me, as an enthusiastic hiker, hiking guide, wedding organiser in the Alps and photo tour guide, this is my home environment. It feels the most comfortable and I see a thousand and one compositions when I am working outside in nature.
This is how I was found the previous year by two same-minded souls, who love spending their time in the mountains and have decided to say their vows in Triglav National Park – Deimante and Mindgaus from Lithuania.
Their first wish was Triglav, Slovenian highest mountain, but since they wished their four-legged companions to take part in the photoshoot, I suggested them other, easier accessible options. I didn’t need long to excite them about the Seven lakes Valley and the mountain ridge above it. The decision was made.
We started our hiking day at 8 am, drove to the starting point of a hike, where the journey began. 10 hours of hiking altogether, 5 hours of taking photos which were split out to 3 different locations. Which means – 3 times changing the wedding clothes into hiking outfits! 🙂
I love wedding photoshoots, but this one really made my heart and soul sing.
Well, to all the adventurous couples out there.. If you wish you could have a mountain photoshoot like this, I’m here! Not just as the photographer, but also as the organiser and a hiking guide, who knows the local spots and will safely bring you there and back. 😉
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