Poročni fotograf │ Wedding photographer │ Best of Weddings
Biti poročni fotograf v preteklih dveh letih je bilo na čase zelo nesigurno, ampak sem vedno verjela, da bo prej ko slej spet podobno, kot je bilo. V teh dveh letih so se poroke res spremenile. Vse več je manjših, intimnih porok, na ne-klasičnih lokacijah. Poročna sezona se je, predvsem zaradi zasedenosti poletnih terminov, raztegnila čez celo leto. Tako v 2020, kot v 2021, sem poročno sezono začela že v februarju, končala pa konec leta.
Imela sem kar nekaj zimskih porok – od praznične Škofje Loke v snegu, do zasneženega (in vetrovnega) Krvavca in Soriške Planine. Slednja je bila res prav posebna – poroka na smučkah. Za fotografiranje smo se sprehodili na vrh smučišča, kjer je nastala serija čudovitih fotografij.
Vedno znova si rečem kako hvaležna sem za pare, ki zaupajo mojim nenavadnim idejam in da so vedno pripravljeni stopiti korak naprej, da ustvarimo res poseben, a še vedno avtentičen fotomaterial.
Glede na to, da sem v poročni fotografiji že skoraj 10 let, sem v tem času kar močno spremenila pristop k poročni fotografiji – še vedno jo delam z istim navdušenjem in strastjo, vendar sem si v zadnjih dveh letih zelo omejila število porok, da se lahko vsakemu paru res v celoti posvetim. Zdi se mi, da je to najbolj pomembno, da lahko svoje delo naredim profesionalno in kreativno.
Poglej si še : Zimska poroka na smučkah
Last two years were a little bit unsure for wedding photography, but I always believed that things will return to how it was, sooner or later. But the weddings have changed a bit. There’s more small, intimate marriages at unusual locations. The season became longer, mostly because of the overbooked dates in the summer. In both years – 2020 and 2021, I have started my wedding season in February and finished it at the end of the calendar year.
What I loved about the previous seasons are the winter weddings. There was a christmas one in snowy Škofja Loka, and stunning winter weddings at ski resort Krvavec and Soriška Planina. The last one was very special because we did a couple’s photoshoot with the skis.
Everytime I say to myself how grateful I am for my couples that trust me and even though my ideas sometimes sound a bit unusual, they know it will be worth it. It always is.
It’s been almost 10 years since I started as a wedding photographer and I have changed my approach in the last few years a lot. I still do it with as much passion and enthusiasm, but I have limited the number of weddings I do per year. I find this very important to do my job professionally and creatively.
See also : Winter skiing wedding