Zgornja Savinjska in Koroška / Upper Savinja Valley and Slovenian Carinthia - Slovenia Wedding Photographer
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Zgornja Savinjska in Koroška / Upper Savinja Valley and Slovenian Carinthia


Skozi fotografijo sem raziskala že velik del Slovenije. Do sedaj so me projekti večinoma peljali po Gorenjski in dolini Soče, zadnje leto pa sta me vse bolj mikala še dva skrita, ampak čudovita kotička Slovenije – Zgornja Savinjska dolina in Koroška. Na srečo so me letošnji projekti peljali prav v to smer. 😉

Zgornja Savinjska dolina, raj za pohodništvo in plezanje, Koroška pa slovenska gorsko-kolesarska meka. Na stotine gozdnih poti, primernih za gravel kolesa, medtem ko je bike park na Jamnici idealna enduro destinacija. Vzporedno lokalni kolesarji razvijajo še ogromno drugih trailov. Nista pa te dve destinaciji namenjeni samo aktivnim obiskovalcem, temveč tudi tistim, ki jih zanimata zgodovina in mitologija.

Tokrat je bil obisk Zgornje Savinjske in Koroške namenjen bolj ogledu lokacij, spoznavanjem s tamkajšnjimi ljudmi in ponudniki turističnih doživetij. Zato sem za fotografijo izbrala dve lokaciji – Golte in Uršljo Goro, kjer sem / smo ujeli dva čudovita sončna vzhoda. 


Photography brought me all around Slovenia. Until now, most of the projects happened in Upper Carniola and Soča Valley, but for the last year, I’m more and more motivated to expand my portfolio and explore other regions too. Upper Savinja Valley and Slovenian Carinthia were two from my “to do” list for a while now, and luckily, I was offered to do a few projects in this area this summer.

Upper Savinja Valley, ideal for hiking and climbing, and Slovenian Carinthia, dreamland for mountain bikers. Hundreds of kilometers of forest trails, suitable for gravel bikes, and bike park Jamnica, a perfect place for enduro bikes. At the same time, more bike trails are being built by locals. But these two places aren’t interesting just for an active visitors, but also for those who are into history and mythology.

My visit this time consisted mostly of location scouting and meetings with the local people who run the tourism in the area. That’s why I picked two viewpoints for the sunrise photos – Golte and Uršlja Gora.

See also : Seven Lakes Valley in Autumn


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