Generalka na planini Zajaminiki / Main cleaning at pasture Zajamniki - Slovenia Wedding Photographer
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Generalka na planini Zajaminiki / Main cleaning at pasture Zajamniki

Vsako pomlad je na vrsti generalno čiščenje stana na Zajaminikih. Vlaga in mraz v slabo izolirani hiški naredita svoje. Druge škode ni. Razen polomljene ograje, ki ne prenese teže snega nad seboj. Planina že živi. Utrip je popolnoma drugačen, kot februarja, ko je bila Planina Zajamniki pokrita s kar nekaj metrov snega. Takrat se je od snega odbijalo toplo sonce, planina pa je mirovala v zimskem spanju. Tokrat pa barve gozda, zvoki kravjega zvonca in tako enodnevnih turistov, kot lastnikov vikendov, planino pokaže v drugačni luči. Lep deloven dan, proti večeru pa dalje v Bohinj.


Every spring comes a main cleaning of dwelling house at Zajamniki. Humidity and cold in poorly insulated lodge make its own. There is no other damage, except broken fence that cannot handle heavy snow. Mountain pasture is alive. Feeling is completely different as it was in February, when pasture Zajamniki was covered with several meters of snow. At that time the snow bounced warm sun rays. The pasture had winter sleep. This time, the colours of the forest, sound of cowbells, and so one day tourists as owners of the lodges, created different light. It was a wonderful hard working day, in the evening I continued my way towards Bohinj.

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki

Planina Zajamniki