Življenje na farmi / Living on the farm
Moj navdih in ideja o fotorazstavi, o kateri bom več povedala kasneje, me je vodila do zanimive izkušnje. Zavila sem iz avtocest, vseh večjih mest in se peljala proti Moll’s Gapu. Ozka vijugasta cesta, ki se je mimo jezer počasi dvigala, me je pripeljala v osupljivo pokrajino. Odprl se mi je pogled na najvišje irske hribe.
Kmalu sem zavila desno na kmetijo Johna Kissane-a. To je tradicionalna kmetija, katero vodi družina Kissane že več kot stoletje – John predstavlja peto generacijo. Razpostira se na 1200 hektarov, kjer se pase okoli 1000 ovc. Na kmetiji sem imela priložnost tudi nekaj dni ostati in iz okusiti življenje pastirja. Mislim, da bi nama z Ižo kar ustrezalo takšno življenje. 🙂
My inspiration and the idea for a photo exhibition (about which I’ll talk later) lead me to an interesting experience. I turned off the motorway, away from larger towns and drove towards Moll’s Gap. The narrow winding road was slowly climbing pass the lakes and brought me to breathtaking landscape. The view of the highest peaks of Ireland has opened in front of me.
I soon turned right to the farm of John Kissane. It’s a traditional farm that has been managed by the Kissane family for more than a century – John represents the fifth generation. Their land is extending to 1200 hectares, with about 1000 sheep herding. I had a chance to stay on the farm for a few days and see how it’s like to be a shepherd. I can say me and Iža wouldn’t mind living here. 🙂
I would like to thank John for letting me be a part of his farm and for helping me with everything! I would like to thank all other people that are involved with my exhibition, John, Sunny and John!:) I would also like to thank Mareike, that amazing and talented german shepherdess for being my guide for two days!