Wedding | Poroka | Brdo pri Kranju | Urška & Milan
Wedding | Poroka | Brdo pri Kranju | Urška & Milan
A modern wedding at Brdo Pri Kranju. Even though the wedding itself was short (and sweet!), Urška and Milan allowed us more than enough time to capture a few wonderful moments at the estate. We had so much fun searching for the reflections of the fountain and enjoyed the sunset views with Sveti Jošt in the background. Thanks for everything!
See also : Best of wedding photography in 2017
Moderna poroka na Brdu Pri Kranju. Kratka, a sladka. Urška in Milan sta si vzela veliko časa za poročne portrete, kar je vedno priporočljivo. Ob iskanju odsevov v vodnjaku in čakanju sončnega zahoda s Svetim Joštom v ozadju, smo ujeli kar nekaj čudovitih trenutkov njunega dne.
Hvala obema!
Poglej si tudi : Najboljše poročne fotografije sezone