Poroka na Bohinjskem jezeru | German wedding in Bohinj
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Poročna fotografija Bohinj, wedding photography, boudoir fotografija, photo tours
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Wedding in Bohinj

Poroka na Bohinjskem jezeru | German wedding in Bohinj

Wedding in Bohinj

Res je zanimivo, kako ti lahko nek prostor toliko pomeni. Ta dva sta se popolnoma zaljubila v Bohinj med svojim prvim potovanjem. Ne glede na vse že videne kraje, sta izbrala Bohinj kot tistega pravega. Sta prvi par, ki se je poročil na prenovljeni ladjici Triglavska Roža. Turistična ladjica je namenjena prav temu – dogodkom, kot so poroke ali koncerti. 

Popoldanski obred se je odvil ob rahlem valovanju Bohinjskega jezera, z nežnim alpskim vetrom. Pokrajina je bila obarvana z zahajajočim sonce in vzdušje je bilo naravnost čudovito.


It is funny how much one place can mean to you. Those two are totally in love with Bohinj. They were traveling in this area a while ago and despite all of the places they have traveled to – they have chosen to have their wedding in Bohinj. They were the first couple getting married on the brand new boat Triglavska Roža, which is originally a tourist boat, meant for all kinds of events, such as weddings and concerts. 

The ceremony had a perfect timing too – just before the sun goes behind Komna, so the colours made it even more romantic. The ceremony happened in the middle of the lake with the gentle alpine wind making the water a little bit wavy.

All you can wish for. Wedding in Bohinj.
Thank you.

Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj
Wedding in Bohinj