Vikend izlet v London / Weekend trip to London - Slovenia Wedding Photographer
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Vikend izlet v London / Weekend trip to London

Že dolgo nisem potovala nekam z namenom, da bi si ogledala glavno mesto. Zadnje dve leti so glavna mesta držav po katerih potujem le plan v ozadju. Tokrat sem šla z namenom, da teto, sestrično in mami peljem na »turistično – šoping« izlet, kam drugam kot v prestolnico evropskega dogajanja – London. Z vami delim fotografije, ki sem jih posnela na vikend izletu po tem razgibanem, cvetočem in ekstremno raznolikim glavnim mestom britanskega otočja.


It’s been a while since I traveled somewhere just to visit the capital. Last two years on my trips through Europe visiting capitals is a second plan. This time I went for the reason to take aunt, cousin and mom for a »tourist – shopping« trip, nowhere else than capital of european happenings – London. I want to share with you these photos that I took during our weekend trip in dynamic, flourising and extremly diverse capital of Britain Isles.

London (3) London (6) London (7) London (8) London (12) London (16) London (17) London (18) London (21) London (23) London (25) London (29) London (31) London (33) London (34)