South Island | Nelson Lakes | New Zealand
It has been a long journey, driving more than a thousand kilometers from Auckland, in a rainy weather, to catch first sunrays on a ferry to the South Island, where I was heading to first. It literally took my breath away (for a short time, ofcourse ;). The green, hilly landscape was slowly raising up from the Tasman Sea.
After arriving in Pickton’s port, I took the scenic Queen Charlotte Drive to Nelson. The town itself didn’t impress me that much, so I stopped only for a short time to do a quick jump in the sea and went on. Traveling alone it’s not actually being by yourself, I picked up hitch hiker from Israel and he has joined me for the next two days. We went to Nelson Lakes first, had a few coffees, dinner and I did a hike to the view point closeby. Next day, after having breakfast and morning yoga by the foggy lake, we drove on to Christchurch, over Lewis Pass. Finally some mountains and rivers ahead of us!
| Charging by Pronavitas (GoalZero) |