Smučišče Vogel Bohinj / Ski resort Vogel Bohinj
Po mrzli zimi se vedno več ljudi pokaže iz svojih brlogov, kjer so prenočili za moje pojme pravšnjo zimo – glede dolžine in temperatur. No, nebi glava bolela od kakšne stopinje manj. Moja zimska sezona je bila letos prijetno izkoriščena, vendar se še bolj veselim prihajajočega. Pomlad. Sicer ne toliko zaradi alergije, ki jo imam na cvetni prah, kot zaradi dejstva, da se narava obarva iz bele v živahnejše odtenke. Prejšnji teden sem se z ekipo odpravila na Vogel, kjer smo zapečatili nekaj promocijskih fotografij, obenem pa zaužili še zadnji dan zimske idile. V zgodnjih dopoldanskih urah, ko so bile temperature še kar zimske, je bil sneg perfekten, vendar je sonce kmalu pogrelo in zrahljalo površino. Vendar smo uspeli doživeti še en zimski sončni vzhod. In to čudovit.
After cold winter, more and more people show from their burrows, where they spent, from my point of view, winter with the right lenght and temperatures. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt from a few degrees less. My winter season was great, but I look forward to the upcoming. The spring. Not so much because of the allergy as I do for the fact that nature changes from white to colorful. Last week me and my team went to Vogel to make some commercial shots, and had some last pieces of winter idyll. Early in the morning conditions for skiing were perfect, until sun warmed and softened the snow. But we succeeded to have one more winter sunset. It was wonderful.