Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku / New Year's Eve at 2000 meters of height - Slovenia Wedding Photographer
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Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku / New Year’s Eve at 2000 meters of height

“A misliš, da je že polnoč? Ali se ti zdi, da se še ne svetlika dovolj?” sva se z Lukom spraševala zadnje minute do polnoči. Telefone sva pustila na toplem v šotoru, moj fotoaparat pa je zaradi mraza izgubil občutek za čas. Zanašala sva se na ognjemete, od katerih se je videlo le svetlikanje v megli. In kje sva bila midva? Malo višje od megle. Na dvatisočaku – Brda.

Tega takrat še nisva vedela. Vse do jutra, ko sva se lahko orientirala glede na gorovja okoli naju, sva bila prepričana, da sva šotor postavila na Debelo peč, kamor sva se prvotno odpravila. Vendar sta naju hoja v temi in smučarske sledi zavedli drugam, na Brda.

Zjutraj naju ta ugotovitev sploh ni motila. Kljub mrzlemu in močnemu vetru sva doživela enega lepših silvestrskih večerov in predvsem čudovito jutro – sončno, toplo, prijetno, zadovoljno – prav tako, kot si želim da bo leto 2014.

Tudi vam v prihajajočem leti želim čimveč trenutkov, kot je bilo zame to jutro – zadovoljnih, da bi se človek kar zjokal od sreče!


“Do you think it’s already midnight, or is it not enough of glistening in the valley yet?” were asking ourselves me and Luka a few minutes before midnight. We left phones inside the tent and my photo camera’s timer crashed down because of the cold. That’s why we relayed on fireworks in the valley which was shown as glistening in the fog. And where were we? A bit higher than the fog. At an atlitude of two thousand metres – mountain called Brda.

In the evening we were sure that we reached mountain Debela peč, which was our first goal. Because we were trying to reach the top in the dark, we followed skiing path. That one lead us to the wrong peak and we realized that in the morning, when the sun light helped us to set our position depending on mountains around us.

But we didn’t care about it at all, because we had one of the most beautiful New Year’s Eve, even though strong and cold wind in the evening. And most of all – a lovely morning, which was a good start of year 2014 – sunny, warm, comfortable, fulfilled – as I wish it will be the rest of the year.

This is also what I wish to all of you in 2014 – many moments that make you cry from happiness!

Silvestrovanje na dvotisočakuSilvestrovanje na dvotisočakuSilvestrovanje na dvotisočakuSilvestrovanje na dvotisočaku Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku Silvestrovanje na dvotisočaku