Posestvo Pule | Poročni fotograf | Wedding photography
Posestvo Pule, Poročni Fotograf
Ob prihodu na Posestvo Pule sem obudila ogromno spominov na moje začetke poročne fotografije. Tu sem namreč pred štirimi leti fotografirala svojo prvo poroko. Nevesti je bilo ime Neža, enako kot letošnji nevesti na tej lokaciji.
Neža in Tomaž sta dan začela počasi in z nasmehom na obrazu. Sproščeno jutro nas je popeljalo v čudovit civilni obred na travniku. Medtem ko je po celi Sloveniji deževalo, se je nad nami odprlo okno lepega vremena. Prehod v večerni del smo si popestrili s fotografiranjem in okusnimi prigrizki, dokler nas Kranjci z melodijo niso postavili na noge in zapečatili večer z dobrimi zvoki.
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Pule Estate awoke lots of memories from my beginning of being a wedding photographer. This is where I photographed my first wedding four years ago. That bride’s name was Neža, as the bride from this wedding.
Neža and Tomaž started their day slowly with smile on their face. Relaxed morning took us to the wonderful civil ceremony on the meadow. We were really lucky with the weather too, while the rest of Slovenia had rain. We made the transition in the evening part with the late afternoon photoshoot, tasty snacks and harmonic background sounds of band Kranjci who took care of cheerful evening.
See also : Wedding in New Zealand
Bride’s dress : Sanjska obleka
Flowers : Cvetličarna Rož’ca