Polna luna nad Bohinjskim jezerom / Full moon over Lake Bohinj
Še en fotografski izlet pred napovedanim dežjem. Tokrat dejansko sredi noči, točno takrat, ko je polna luna na jezero sijala iznad Vogla in se že skoraj skrila za Komno. Tako tople in tihe noči že dolgo nisem doživela. Sprehodila sem se vzdolž jezera in dalje proti cesti za Vogar, od koder se odpre popolnoma drugačen pogled na jezero ob polni luni.
Vabim vas tudi, da si ogledate tudi sorodne objave sončni izhod v Bohinju iz Rudnice in jezera, kajakiranje po Bohinjskem jezeru in prvo kopanje v Bohinju.
Another photographic trip before this perfect weather conditions change into rain and cold. This time actually in the middle of the night, exactly when the full moon shone above the Vogel and almost hid behind the Komna. So warm and silent night I haven’t experienced for a while. I walked along the lake and continued on the road to Vogar, where I got totally different view of the lake at the full moon.
I also invite you to take a look at the sunrise in Bohinj from Rudnica and the lake, kayaking lake Bohinj and first swim in Bohinj.