Engagement session in Julian Alps | Zaročno fotografiranje v Julijskih Alpah
There is a quote I found a while ago, said by Victoria Erickson.
“When you’re a mountain person, you understand the brilliance and beauty of contradiction. The way land can be your greatest teacher. How something can be both grounding yet elevating, intoxicating yet soothing, wild yet serene, intensely primal yet patient, and cycling yet predictable within the shifts, and rhythms. Mountains keep us on edge get wrap us in the sensation of safety all at once.
I don’t know of anything sweeter, or more magic inducing than that.“
I’d like to add myself the belief that mountaineering makes you fall in love and wakes up the emotions you find only when you’re feeling as relaxed as you are surrounded by the mountains.
Thanks Anja & Andrej for being such a good company. 😉