15. 1. 2018
Hrvaška / Croatia, New Zealand, Poročna fotografija / Wedding photography, Slovenija / Slovenia
Najboljše poročne fotografije | Best of Wedding Photography 2017
Najboljše poročne fotografije. | Best of Wedding Photography 2017.“I’ll let you bein my dreamsif I can bein yours.”Bob Dylan
Thank you.
It has been such a pleasure working with every single one of you.
I do look forward to my next world-wide wedding season, starting in New Zealand.
What makes a photography worth the money you pay? It is the emotions the photos awake. The more emotions you awake by looking at the gallery, the more photography is worth. It is an important tool to tell a story as it happened through the eyes of a viewer. I hope you’re gonna enjoy looking at the photos below, and I hope you’ll feel some warmth in your heart.
/ Kaj poročni fotografiji da ceno? Poročni fotografiji ceno dajo občutki, ki ji vzbudi. Več občutkov, ki jih barve in oblike prebudijo, večja je vrednost posameznih fotografij in fotozgodbe v celoti. Je orodje, s katerim prikažemo zgodbo tako, kot je bila videna v naših očeh. Upam, da boste uživali ob ogledu spodnjih fotografij in da bodo v vas prebudile toplino.
Poglej tudi : Prva poroka sezone 2018 na Novi Zelandiji