Best of wedding photography 2015 | Najboljše poročne fotografije 2015
Sunset in the Alps. They were walking hand in hand. Those were first steps together.
Late summer near the lake. Couple swimming in their wedding dresses. Having so much fun .
Couple dancing their first dance underneath the romantic sky covered by thousands of stars. Being so in love.
This is what wedding season 2015 was all about.
Thanks to every couple being part of it. I wish you many more steps together, filed with fun and love. It’s so good to have new friends I can drink coffee with.
See also:
Best of weddings 2014
Best of weddings 2013
Sonce zahaja za Alpe, par se sprehaja z roko v roki proti zadnjim žarkom tistega dne. Prvi koraki na skupni poti.
Pozno poleti ob jezeru. Skočita v vodo s poročno obleko in zaplavata. Tako zabavno je.
Plešeta prvi ples pod romantičnim nebom, posutim s tisoče zvezd. Zaljubljena.
To je bila sezona 2015.
Hvala vsakemu paru, ki sta bila del tega. Želim vam še več zabavnih in zaljubljenih skupnih korakov. Dobro je imeti nove prijatelje, s katerim se kdaj pa kdaj usedemo in spijemo kavo.
Poglej si še:
Best of poroke 2014
Best of poroke 2013