Lake Bohinj | Engagement | Zaroka
Lake Bohinj, Engagement. Slovenia is getting more and more popular for couples from all around the globe. I’m more than happy to show them the most beautiful spots that inspire me. One of them is Lake Bohinj, glacier lake located in a Triglav National Park, in this time of the year surrounded by vividly colored forest.
Fanni and Tibor wished to have two different locations. Good thing about being a photographer in Slovenia is that everything is a short distance, which means it was not difficult to make their wish come true. After we have finished the photo session by the Lake Bohinj, we hit the road uphill towards Pokljuka. Pokljuka is also part of a Triglav National Park. We took the lantern out of the car and waited for the sun to set. The sky went pink and the whole ambient became so romantic. The most we could wish for.
Thank you Fanni and Tibor for choosing me and being patient driving all the way those long gravel roads 🙂
See also : Best of wedding photography in 2017
Slovenija postaja vse bolj popularna destinacija za pare iz vsega sveta. Poroka ali zaročno fotografiranje v Triglavskem Narodnem Parku je ena boljših izbir, saj ponuja neomejeno možnosti raznolikih fotografij.
Fanni in Tibor sta prišla iz Madžarske z namenom, da naredita nekaj predporočnih fotografij v naši čudoviti deželi. Vesela sem, da sta se odločila zame, ker sta imela dobro idejo kaj točno želita od fotografiranja. In točno to nam je uspelo narediti. Začeli smo z nekaj posnetki ob jezeru, nato se pa zapeljali proti Pokljuki, ker smo dočakali sončni zahod. Seveda, z lanterno.