Wedding in Bohinj with T + M
Wedding in Bohinj was a wonderful celebration of love and nature. This lovely couple from Switzerlan...
Documentary lifestyle photography that captures every emotion from your magical day.
Wedding in Bohinj was a wonderful celebration of love and nature. This lovely couple from Switzerlan...
Elopement fotografiranje – poročno fotografiranje v gorah To je bila zame največja inspiraci...
Poroka na Krvavcu Krvavec, slovensko smučišče, ki postaja vse bolj popularno tudi za poroke. Idea...
POROČNI FOTOGRAF Biti poročni fotograf v preteklih dveh letih je bilo na čase zelo nesigurno, amp...
“Fotografiram zgodbo, ki je ne znam povedati z besedami.” Destin Sparks Fotografija je i...
Smučarska zimska poroka Bi si upala? Zima ponuja čudovite opcije za poroko, še posebej če ...
Kaj je elopement poroka? “Elope” pomeni pobeg. Iz tega izhaja tudi izraz “elopement wedding...
Kako izbrati poročnega fotografa je vprašanje, ki nima enostavnega odgovora. Niti nima enega odgov...
Poroka na Treh Lučkah. Ne dolgo nazaj sem fotografirala poroko na Korčuli, je bila res posebna. Pr...
Quality always takes time. Your photos will be delivered within 3 weeks after the wedding.
Personal approach to all of my couples makes my job easier. Knowing you better allows me to capture natural moments and build up an authentic photostory.
I like to treat my couples nicely. Final wedding package is important to me.
I'd love to meet you in person, have a cup of coffee and talk about your wedding day. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me!